Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bangkok isn't so bad afterall

Well, what a long and good day. There is news on the dental front, alot of news, but I will try to be brief because it is probably a lot less interesting to the most of you. If you are only interested in the non-dental stuff then skip to the next paragraph and I'll tell you about all the other cool stuff I did today. Basically The Plan has changed several times since I've been here. It changed to full-on implants everywhere with bone grafting (yes, probably with a "butt bone" Mr. Graeber...) a repeat visit (or 2?) to Bangkok and much more money. That all made me sleep quite poorly yesterday. When to a 2nd clinic today to get a 2nd opinion and he gave me a very different opinion. He agreed full-on bridges (the Original Plan) is problematic and shouldn't be done. But he also felt that the full-on implant plan is also pretty extreme and recommended I bridge just the one front tooth gap that I have and get a new partial denture for the rest. And only move to implants in the back if and when I really need to. This is kinda a 1/2 step forward from where I was at 2 years and much orthodontic pain ago, but seems like the other options are either a possible step backwards or too many steps forward for me to be able to take. Anyway, Katie and I talked about it and we feel pretty good about this option. So I'll probably work with this new guy (he is a professor at the dental school here and really seems very good), probably as early as tomorrow. Should take 2 weeks total from when I start to wrapping it all up.

The rest of the day was awesome but grueling(if a day with 2 separate 1 hr massages can ever be considered grueling...). Left my room at 10am for the dentist appointment and didn't get back until 10pm. Aside from the dentist and the massages I also took the subway, the skytrain (a totally different system than the subway for some unknown reason) and a water taxi. When on a walking tour that included several temples which were AWESOME. No offense to any Christian readers, but I've been to alot of churches in Europe that were incredible, but I've never felt as moved as I did today in the temple with the emerald Buddha. Wow. Also had a drink at a super-fancy hotel right along the river (they were looking for bombs underneath all cars and taxis coming in. How fancy is that?!). Also swung by one of the red-light districts on the way home. Sorry guys, the camera's battery conveniently ran-out before I got there. Really.

Speaking of pictures, I took a billion. Rather than put them all here, I started a website here for all the Thailand pictures:

Actually, I'm gonna just use that for the Bangkok stuff. When I somewhere else, I probably start a new folder.

OK, the melitonen that I took is starting to kick in, so I better stop it right here. Your homework tonight is to count your teeth with your tongue as you lay in bed and be greatful for each and every one of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking for bombs under cars is "cool?" I guess so. Sounds like you made some big decisions, but well thought out. I guess trips back and forth to Bangkok might begin to add up. Probably a new plan again tomorrow..........good