Saturday, December 1, 2007

Lame quick post without a picture

Hey. Pai is to touristy so i'm leaving tomorrow. I did go on a nice (but way too long) hike today to a waterfall. I saw the biggest, fastest, scariest snake i've ever seen in the wild. after I almost steped on it, it ran off, then coiled and raised its head and checked me out from some near by brush. I think it may have been a cobra. I got a few pictures (and a video or it slithering away) but can't post now as I'm at an internet cafe and don't have the camera.

I caught a cold yesterday. Pretty nasty, but hopefully won't stick around for too long or slow me down too much. Eating spicier foods (not hard to find here...) to help clear things out. Had probably one of my best meals yet for dinner today. The North is more known for the curries and tonights was amazing.

Anyway, outta here for know. Think I'm heading to Chiang Khong (sp?) near the Loas border tomorrow if i can work out the transportation...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erik, Ba here. I'm sitting at Shannon's kitchen computer after being fed a wonderful pot roast and breakfast. We're soon to head off to the Cirque for my and Toby's first time. Hope we don't run into any cobras. It's so great to get your updates. Good luck getting the best of the cold bugs and poisonous snakes. Take care, Ba
Ditto from Dad. Really looking forward to your return. Have fun your last few days. Reality will really kick in when you get